Bradford School - Pittsburgh, PA
Career Services


Giving You an Edge.

Our goal is to help you find not just any job, but the right job to start your career. We offer individual attention throughout your program and throughout the job placement process. International Business College will help you make the most of your unique abilities. We also have a network of employers who consistently turn to IBC for their hiring needs.

Our career placement assistance begins before graduation. As you approach your graduation day, you will be coached one-on-one to prepare for the transition from student to professional. We will work with you by:

  • Hosting mock interviews to practice answering those tricky questions.
  • Assisting with creating a resume that stands out.
  • Identifying potential employment opportunities and helping to set up interviews.
  • Polishing your negotiating skills once you get the job offer.
  • Following up with employers regarding salary negotiations. 

The powerful combination of our career-focused training, our professionalism skills training, and our network of employers gives you an edge when it comes to finding your first career job.

After you graduate, the career placement department continues to be available to you as an alumnus to help secure new employment opportunities, update your resume, and practice interviewing! Best of all, these services are at no additional cost to recent graduates and alumni.